In a remarkable tale of cultural resistance, the Palestinian Tarweedeh, a traditional song sung by women in the early 20th century, harbors a covert encrypted message with significant historical implications.
Crafted during the British mandate of the 1920s and 1930s, the song served as a clandestine means for Palestinian women to communicate with their incarcerated loved ones. Originating prior to the establishment of the Israeli state, it aimed to assist numerous Palestinians unjustly imprisoned for opposing British rule.
In an era when prisons had accessible windows, Palestinian women would stroll by, chanting this seemingly innocuous folk song. To the occupiers, it appeared harmless—a random woman expressing herself and connecting with loved ones. Unbeknownst to them, it was a concealed message meant to aid fathers, husbands, brothers, or sons in escaping their prison cells. The women ingeniously inserted the letter {L} between words to convey their hidden messages.
To the British or Israelis, the song sounded like indecipherable gibberish or another Palestinian dialect. However, beneath the surface, it held coded messages of resistance and determination.
Utilizing poetry, analogies, and symbolism, the songs showcased the linguistic richness of the Arabic language. This cultural resistance was a testament to the Palestinians’ ability to express profound sentiments through seemingly ordinary means.
Over the years, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians found themselves incarcerated for advocating independence and human rights, transitioning from one occupying force to another—from the Ottomans to the British and, later, the Israelis. Despite the ongoing struggle for freedom and independence, the resilience of the Palestinian people and their ability to intertwine everyday elements with their land and identity continue to captivate the world.